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A Prophetic Newsletter www.MantlesOfGlory.org By Karla Shrake June 20, 2013,Volume 19 And the Lord Roars from Zion...And utters His voice from Jerusalem." Joel 3:16 "The Lord utters His Voice before His Army; Surely His camp is Very Great, For Strong is he who Carries out His Word." Joel 2:11 ![]() The Great Eagle Shall Rise Again Part 1 by Karla Shrake June 20, 2013 "My dear America you have seen both good times and bad but you must understand this is your prophetic hour to wake up for I am beginning to reveal Myself to many across this great land," says your Founder-Father. "This is the hour to search for Me with all your heart and to heed My word with great diligence and care. As you do you will find the deliverance and healing you are in such desperate need of. The hour is short and you must respond quickly for the prophetic wheels of time and eternity are turning and the appointed hour of deliverance has begun," exhorts your loving Father. Time to Rouse from your Comfort-Nests: "Yes American church I understand your joints, shoulders and muscles have become stiff and even atrophied from so many years of dryness, lethargy and ease. Now is the time to forsake business as usual and the comfort of your nests. ![]() I am coming to awaken you so that you will remember who you are, the greatness that I your covenant Father imparted to from your inception so long ago. You must again lift up your eyes toward heaven so that your spiritual understanding, reasoning and true identity will return. I have called you to be My humble and obedient ones to represent My father's heart of love for the lost and dying in your own country as well as around the globe." The Gates of Hell Shall Not Prevail: "Yes it is true the very gates of hell are battering against you yet again and again with great ferocity even as hurricane winds and waves batter the coastline, but know that they will not prevail against you My faithful ones. You must learn to continually hide yourself in Me and in My latter-day purposes for this is where you will find protection and victory." "As you learn to truly hide yourself in Me you will discover that I will shield you from the batterings and beatings that hell is spewing forth with such great intensity. Humble yourselves, seek Me while I may be found and stay under the shelter of My strong, eternal wings. Hide yourself in that secret place of intimate fellowship with Me," exhorts your loving Father. "But do not become comfortable for I am moving suddenly and frequently in this critical hour of preparation therefore you must be prepared to move quickly with Me." ![]() Lean into My Faithfulness: "You must turn toward Me My beloved Eagle and stretch forth the wings of your faith, trusting in Me as your Father-Founder once again. As you lean into Me in this dark hour you will encounter My covenant faithfulness and the lifting of My Spirit." "Take courage dear ones as the winds of heaven are stirring across this great land as I your Maker have a plan and a purpose from long ago. I am the Alpha and the Omega, and I know the end from the beginning. Find your your strength in Me and in the power of My might, for truly My might has no end." (Part II coming in next week's newsletter.) *Note from author Karla Shrake: The above are excerpts taken from the last section of my book "Mantles of Glory, this section received and penned in 1999. As the author I have taken liberty in making changes, edits and additions to the original text, although the essence of the message remains the same. |
Davidic Warriors |
![]() Dear Friends and Fellow-Patriots, The Lord quickened to me to go back and reread the last section of my book "Mantles" about America, that part written 14 years ago. As we are three weeks away from July 4th, the anniversary of our liberty, I felt He wanted to release a word of perspective, encouragement and exhortation to us and to those this word might be forwarded to. This is not just about patriotism, it is about His kingdom plans and purposes for our country - that they be fulfilled and not aborted. I pray this word will stir the hearts of many to pray and fast for our country and for the leaders of the Body of Christ in America. Ultimately a nation is ruled by the righteous who bow before Him in faith and humility. So let us pray that His children would take their rightful places as they kneel before Him in the courtroom of heaven where our Righteous Judge rules according to the everlasting covenant. Let us stand in agreement with the Mayflower Compact and many other founders and believers who shed both tears and blood for a land of liberty based on the Bible and on The Lamb's eternal sacrifice, the only way to true and lasting liberty. Blessings to all in the Davidic Warrior prayer-fasting-decree family for although we are decreeing in a hidden and private way, it is divinely powerful for the establishing of His plan and Kingdom in our lives, destinies and families. May your heart's desires come to pass quickly and surely in this season as He richly rewards faithfulness and devotion to Him. Know that you are remembered and honored not only in heaven but on earth as well. love to all, Karla |
A Prophetic Word to this Generation |
![]() Our heavenly Father is opening the storehouses of heaven and releasing a greater anointing that has been reserved for this generation. Empowered by the spirit of Elijah these mantles will bring restoration, including to those who wear them and to their households. For more information, go to: www.MantlesOfGlory.org |
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