The Lion Roars Prophetic Newsletter - by Karla Shrake

A Prophetic Newsletter
May 30, 2013, Volume 18
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"And the Lord Roars from Zion...And utters His voice from Jerusalem." Joel 3:16
"The Lord utters His Voice before His Army; Surely His camp is Very Great,

A Prophetic Newsletter
May 30, 2013, Volume 18

"And the Lord Roars from Zion...And utters His voice from Jerusalem." Joel 3:16
"The Lord utters His Voice before His Army; Surely His camp is Very Great,
For Strong is He who Carries out His Word." Joel 2:11

"I am Readying You" says your Father, "To Rule and Reign with Me"
by Karla Shrake, May 30, 2013
"For surely these are the days My prophets have spoken about, days of challenge, transition and increasing turbulence. But as you will shortly see these are also days of great opportunity for the good news of My gospel to go forth as never before in history. Multitudes upon multitudes will be coming into My Kingdom very shortly, indeed it has even begun," discloses your Father.

"I am Readying You" says your Father, "To Rule and Reign with Me"
by Karla Shrake, May 30, 2013
"For surely these are the days My prophets have spoken about, days of challenge, transition and increasing turbulence. But as you will shortly see these are also days of great opportunity for the good news of My gospel to go forth as never before in history. Multitudes upon multitudes will be coming into My Kingdom very shortly, indeed it has even begun," discloses your Father.
I hear the Lord saying He is 'readying' us for the days in which we live, and for the days to come.
- to be prepared mentally or physically, prepared for immediate use
-to be fit, set, conditioned, primed, ripe, braced, fortified, steeled, qualified, trained, and seasoned
That is quite a list! We say yes Lord, we thank you for readying us and establishing us in all these ways!
"Keep the airwaves full of My glory," invites your triumphant Lion-Deliverer. "Your worshipping Me in spirit and in truth is your greatest tool of preparation, for it lifts you above the smog and releases and imprints My DNA more deeply into you, the DNA of resurrection life and overcoming grace. As you abide more and more in worship and in My Word be assured I am readying and strengthening you.
- to be prepared mentally or physically, prepared for immediate use
-to be fit, set, conditioned, primed, ripe, braced, fortified, steeled, qualified, trained, and seasoned
That is quite a list! We say yes Lord, we thank you for readying us and establishing us in all these ways!
"Keep the airwaves full of My glory," invites your triumphant Lion-Deliverer. "Your worshipping Me in spirit and in truth is your greatest tool of preparation, for it lifts you above the smog and releases and imprints My DNA more deeply into you, the DNA of resurrection life and overcoming grace. As you abide more and more in worship and in My Word be assured I am readying and strengthening you.
As you live lifestyles of loving and helping one another and reaching out to the lost, understand that I am fortifying you as only I can do. As you flow in these things you are creating a highway in the wilderness, a highway of holiness that is preparing the way for My soon return," explains your Lamb-Bridegroom.
"My dear children I am calling you to stand before Me in a state of alertness, for I have much to disclose in this prophetic season, many winning plays and strategies I have to share with you. Stay in a state of focus, keen and sharp focus, keeping your ears and hearts attuned to Me first and foremost. I have much to reveal to you," repeats your Father, "of things that will soon take place for surely I am releasing instructions and guidance for this season to those who are seeking Me. I am preparing and training you to rule and reign with Me."
"My dear children I am calling you to stand before Me in a state of alertness, for I have much to disclose in this prophetic season, many winning plays and strategies I have to share with you. Stay in a state of focus, keen and sharp focus, keeping your ears and hearts attuned to Me first and foremost. I have much to reveal to you," repeats your Father, "of things that will soon take place for surely I am releasing instructions and guidance for this season to those who are seeking Me. I am preparing and training you to rule and reign with Me."
"Know that the sound of My voice is being turned up more and more so that it can be heard above the noise of the distractions and disturbances of the enemy. Even the whispers that come from My throne room are being heard more and more clearly by those who have their hearts toward Me as their Father-Instructor.
The sound of My voice will be heard in the land in a new way and it will echo deeper and deeper into the hearts of man in this late hour. For even in My people there is much change and renovation that I am initiating. I am securing you into a more solid foundation of My truth, purpose and plan that you might rule with Me more effectively. For I am needing many last-day Noahs to build in preparation for what is to come........"
Part II to be continued in the next newsletter.

Dear Friends,
It is so good to know our Father is busy preparing and readying us. There is much passivity and complacency in our land and even in the Body of Christ. Truly we must rely solely on Him and keep our focus ever-toward Him as our one source of life, strength and direction.
Ultimately only He can ready us for the times in which we live, but it is our part to stay very close to Him and listen and obey His instructions. We know from the Bible that the last days are full of challenge and many faith-adventures, but it is so comforting to know that He already triumphed over all things. We have been given a 'winning script' and as we step into it and walk it out in obedience and faith, we will receive the crown of the overcomer.
"Heavenly Father we as the Davidic Warrior prayer family thank you for readying us for our destinies that we may remain steadfastly faithful to You and your plan for our lives. We honor Your voice of instruction and preparation as we set our hearts and our gaze upon You, the One we love, Amen."
Love and blessings to you,
Our Thursday prayer-decree is on my website under the Davidic Warriors page.
Upcoming Ministry Events
Please visit our website at for updates on upcoming ministry events.
For inquiries about speaking engagements or ministry invitations, we can be reached at:
A Prophetic Word to this Generation
Our heavenly Father is opening the storehouses of heaven and releasing a greater anointing that has been reserved for this generation. Empowered by the spirit of Elijah these mantles will bring restoration, including to those who wear them and to their households.
Written in a prophetic style, this book brings fresh perspective and strong encouragement to its readers. As you move through the pages of "Mantles" the Holy Spirit will unveil, stir and establish more of your own unique calling and mantle.
For more information, go to:
Glory Conferences
Our ministry offers what we call 'Preparing for the Glory' Conferences.
We customize these for churches, prayer-groups, home-groups and even
businesses. In these we deal with the whole person, body, soul and spirit, in a very pragmatic way. The seminars and conferences are designed so that folks receive not only encouragement and inspiration during the meeting sessions, but also receive the very pragmatic tools to take home to bring about deep, genuine change and growth for themselves and their families. For more information, go to:
It is so good to know our Father is busy preparing and readying us. There is much passivity and complacency in our land and even in the Body of Christ. Truly we must rely solely on Him and keep our focus ever-toward Him as our one source of life, strength and direction.
Ultimately only He can ready us for the times in which we live, but it is our part to stay very close to Him and listen and obey His instructions. We know from the Bible that the last days are full of challenge and many faith-adventures, but it is so comforting to know that He already triumphed over all things. We have been given a 'winning script' and as we step into it and walk it out in obedience and faith, we will receive the crown of the overcomer.
"Heavenly Father we as the Davidic Warrior prayer family thank you for readying us for our destinies that we may remain steadfastly faithful to You and your plan for our lives. We honor Your voice of instruction and preparation as we set our hearts and our gaze upon You, the One we love, Amen."
Love and blessings to you,
Our Thursday prayer-decree is on my website under the Davidic Warriors page.
Upcoming Ministry Events
Please visit our website at for updates on upcoming ministry events.
For inquiries about speaking engagements or ministry invitations, we can be reached at:
A Prophetic Word to this Generation

Our heavenly Father is opening the storehouses of heaven and releasing a greater anointing that has been reserved for this generation. Empowered by the spirit of Elijah these mantles will bring restoration, including to those who wear them and to their households.
Written in a prophetic style, this book brings fresh perspective and strong encouragement to its readers. As you move through the pages of "Mantles" the Holy Spirit will unveil, stir and establish more of your own unique calling and mantle.
For more information, go to:

Glory Conferences
Our ministry offers what we call 'Preparing for the Glory' Conferences.
We customize these for churches, prayer-groups, home-groups and even
businesses. In these we deal with the whole person, body, soul and spirit, in a very pragmatic way. The seminars and conferences are designed so that folks receive not only encouragement and inspiration during the meeting sessions, but also receive the very pragmatic tools to take home to bring about deep, genuine change and growth for themselves and their families. For more information, go to:
Coaching/Personal Ministry
As time permits in between speaking commitments, Karla is available for phone or Skype sessions. For more information go
As time permits in between speaking commitments, Karla is available for phone or Skype sessions. For more information go
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