A Prophetic Newsletter www.MantlesOfGlory.org
By Karla Shrake
May 16, 2013
Volume 18
"And the Lord Roars from Zion... And utters His voice from Jerusalem." Joel 3:16 "The Lord utters His Voice before His Army; Surely His camp is Very Great, For Strong is he who Carries out His Word." Joel 2:11 |
In the Midst of Darkness
A Great Arising and Shining
by Karla Shrake
May 16,2013
"In the midst of deep darkness I am raising you up My children, to execute vengeance upon My enemies and yours," laughs your jubilant Father. "For surely this is the time that was spoken of by My prophets that I will do a new thing in the earth. My mighty right arm is lifting My faithful ones, those broken ones considered to be beyond repair, even yourselves. I am now raising up those who have been faithful through all that hell has thrown at them in recent years."
"You will begin to observe what a mighty God I truly am and you will observe My strategies that are beyond knowing, winning strategies that will surprise and ambush the enemy and even also surprise My own children. For I have always waited until the darkest hour to shine forth My greatest and brightest light as I have judged the enemy and rescued My own. Out of the dark mud-pits of Egypt I surprised Pharoah by using a broken and exiled vessel named Moses. During the time Israel was oppressed by the Midianites I chose a fearful vessel named Gideon to surprise and overturn them. During a dark time of lack I chose a woman, a prophetess-judge named Deborah. I filled her mouth with a faith-filled roar as she rode into battle alongside the army's commander securing a solid victory on behalf of My people."
"The greatest victory of all time was that of My Son Jesus/Yeshua who on Calvary overcame sin and He descended into the region below and took captivity captive and took back the keys of death and hell. He overcame and defeated for all time the most hideous and cruel darkness, including the gross darkness that is now layering the earth."
"And while these testimonies are your history My children, you must understand they are not only your history, they are also your heritage. A heritage of strength, courage and fortitude in the face of great opposition for you must understand My seed has always overcome. Because I am above dear ones, you cannot be beneath and because I am strong you cannot be weak, because I am triumphant you cannot fail, for My overcoming DNA lives and flourishes within you. No matter how black the darkness or how deep the dungeon be assured that I always have a plan, a winning strategy."
"Now you must draw near My precious ones, draw near and allow Me to encourage, strengthen and console you. Allow Me to hold you in My oversized Father's lap while you lean your weary head against My loving bosom. For My heart contains nothing but good and blessing for you little children. Receive refreshing as I give you fresh perspective of the hour in which you live and also the role you will play in it. For it is the victor's role - the overcomer's crown - you are destined to wear as you rule and reign in My name."
"Again I say I will execute My vengeance upon My enemies in this dark day for I will overturn many conspiracies and plans of the enemy, I will pluck up and root out as never before in human history as I lose the fire of the spirit of Elijah. Yielded and surrendered ones, you are the very ones through whom I will do this. Be assured I am with you and I am for you as you go forth in My name doing My business in the earth. My eyes are upon you and My love is ever-toward you as I hold you in My heart," comforts your eternal Father. "Be strong and of good courage for surely I am with you to win."
Davidic Warriors,Again I felt led to send out the word to all on The Lion Roars newsletter list. But please receive the word above personally as from the Father's heart directly to yours. I speak blessings over you as we all stand together in the greatest season of human history. I loved His invitation to us to draw near and climb up into His wonderful lap, the best place to be. Abba, we ask that you hold us close - close - close, for You are good - good - good!
My love to all
Our Thursday prayer-decree is on my website under the Davidic Warriors page.
A Prophetic Word to this Generation |
![]() Our heavenly Father is opening the storehouses of heaven and releasing a greater anointing that has been reserved for this generation. Empowered by the spirit of Elijah these mantles will bring restoration, including to those who wear them and to their households. For more information, go to: www.MantlesOfGlory.org |
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